Expert Witness Consultation
Employment discrimination happens when an employer or supervisor makes an employment decision due to the employee’s class such as gender, race, disability, or other protected category.
Regarding disability, if an employee can perform his or her job’s essential duties with or without reasonable accommodation, the employer or supervisor cannot terminate his or her employment because of the disability. Both state and federal laws protect employees from discrimination.
Attorney, Law Professor and Expert Heather Gilbert can provide expert knowledge for your case on myriad topics related to employment law and people with disabilities. Contact us today at (651) 340-9642 to obtain Heather's CV and rate sheets.
Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodation
State and federal laws allow changes in the workplace that enables a qualified employee with a disability to perform the core duties of her job. These cannot create undue hardships by infringing on the rights of other employees, impairing workplace safety, or requiring significant monetary expense.
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Effective Communication for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The American with Disabilities Act states that people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind have a the right to effective communication. Businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits that serve the public must provide effective communication via auxiliary aids and services.
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Accessibility for Blind/Low Vision
People who are blind or have vision loss have a right to reasonable accommodations at work or in a work related environment and have right to other protections against discrimination. Employers who have fifteen or more employees must follow the ADA.
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