Business Planning Experience
Audio Transcription
One of the reasons why I came to Gilbert Law is because we launched a new firm and I needed somebody who not only understood the law aspect of it, but the mission that I was engaged with - which was to represent funders of color - specifically in the technology space. When I first contacted Gilbert Law, I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed in the sense that there were so many complexities when it comes to business law and venture capital, especially when it comes to finances. The lawyers really make it easy, to simplify things and take the time so I could understand things. Going into meetings, I don't have to second guess things to make sure certain things were taken care of. I can speak more authoritatively. I'm more equip now today, than I was before. I recommend Gilbert Law. If you really want someone who's going to sit down and not just talk at you, but talk with you and engage, I feel like this is the firm you want to go with.