Minnesota Business FAQs
Does Gilbert Law provide investment advice or investment banking services?
Gilbert Law is neither an investment bank nor an investment adviser so we do not provide this type of advice. However, we employ attorneys with experience in both fields. We may bring in an outside or affiliated firm to provide this type of guidance if necessary. Any such relationship would fall outside your relationship with Gilbert Law.
Do I need to form an LLC if I’m just a small business?
Many small businesses find significant benefits in the personal risk mitigation offered by forming an LLC or corporate entity. This can be critical if you were to be sued by a customer or someone else claiming your business was responsible for injury or damage. We help you determine what structure makes sense and keep things as simple as possible for you.
I want to form a business in another state, but I live in MN. Can you help me?
Our attorneys have formed businesses in other states, including Delaware and Wisconsin. We’ll discuss your specific situation before determining how to move forward.